Craft a Ngomo and learn to play traditional instruments from South Cameroon »
A masterclass for Musicians – Instrumentalists – Lovers of music and Instruments craft
A genuine master drummer will introduce you to the traditional instruments from the Rain Forest.
He plays traditional wind, skin-stretched, stringed and body-activated instruments such as :
• Stringed : Mvet, Ngomo (traditional harps)
• Wind : Pygmy flute, leaves, mouth–activated bow
• Drums : Nkul ( calling drum), Ngom (long drum), Djembe, Cajon…
• Body percussion : snail-shell and hazelnut, body drumming
1 person per workshop
The manufacturing equipment is provided by François Essindi
You may also order hand-crafted traditional instruments from François.
This workshop may be held in Paris or anywhere in Europe
(with your transportation and accommodation support)
This instrument is called NGOMO or NGOMBI, François comments. It is an African harp that I love.
I made this one myself, then tuned it, and it vibrates the sounds of the rythms of the rain forest where it was born.
« Hand-crafting and recreating Traditional Ekang musical instruments has been no small task for François, as he has transcended the practice of manufacturing Ekang instruments in his home lands of Cameroon, and relocated his productions to France… » Oringi World
A musical journey through tradition :
A musician, composer, actor, story-teller, teacher and self-taught luthier, François ESSINDI was born in Ekoudou (Cameroon) on 3/3/70.
François music-wise works with different artists from various backgrounds, with dance and theatre companies as an actor or music composer. For one of his latest live performances, he was part of a french-senegalese creation by dance company Tiewe art « Regards dansés ». This combination of traditional music, story telling, classical dance, theatre and music, took place in Paris, 18. He defines his music project as ”The Tag Ekang Music Experience”, bringing together on stage instruments, sounds, machines and musicians from all backgrounds.
A luthier :
He works with and upon traditional music instruments, that are on the verge of extinction, and which he self-handcrafts in Paris, sometimes modifying their original shape.
An actor :
Educated at the National Orchestra of Cameroon and thanks to numerous trainings and cultural meetings, François is also an actor and followed many educational sessions via the Goethe Institute in Yaoundé and the French Cultural Centre in Yaoundé.
A professional actor, François played with several theatre companies in Cameroon. Among others he shared a long adventure with the Eyala Pena company, a road theatre company. He also shared a project together with the Un-Excursus theatre company, based in Montrouge, France.
François ESSINDI is a current member of the ALEPH theatre Company in Ivry-sur-Seine, France.
He is currently on stage with this Company in a play written and directed by Chilean director and actor Oscar Castro (dec. 2021).
Contact : François Essindi +33(0) 604 126 911
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jan. 2022
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